Monday, February 18, 2013

still alive, so far

It's now midnight and I'm a bit too tired to do a huge update. However, in the last few days I saw Fort George in Inverness which turned out to be a huge waste of time, then I took the train to Stirling which took 3 hours. I spent the night in a SYHA (scottish youth hostel association) hostel which wanted to change me 3pounds for an hour of internet. Really, in 2013 they wanted to charge me that. Then I spent the morning in Stirling looking at the castle, and the Wallace monument, both completely shrouded in fog. They're only about 2 miles apart across the valley and you couldn't see one from the other. At the base of the Wallace monument is where I bought and tried I Irn-Bru for the first time. It tastes like cream soda mixed with jellybeans. It also has about 1g of sugar in each 10ml. From Stirling I cycled south towards Carlisle which took two days. There were several wind farms along the way, and seeing every single windmill pointed away from you, into the wind, is really quite annoying. Carlisle didn't have a single hostel, and I couldn't get a hold of anyone that might have agreed to host me because my prepaid phone time had run out, they wouldn't accept an american credit card over the phone, and when I arrived in town at 5pm on a Sunday, everything was closed, even the supermarkets. Today I cycled from just east of Carlisle along the national cycle route near Hadrian's wall and I'm staying with a host in Newcastle. I was huddled outside a starbucks, stealing their wifi so that I could find a store that would sell me phone card minutes.

Most of my pictures are still in my camera, but here is the most interesting picture of Fort George. It was not worth a 30 mile detour.

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